Sunday, 28 April 2013

Attach the Android source code in the eclipse

If  you want to attach the source code to the eclipse follow the simple steps listed below

Step 1:

Select the help menu in the eclipse, in that select the install new software.

Step 2:

select the add option and add the value 

Name - Android source.

Location -

select the check box, which is the source fetched from the location which we given in the archive.

accept the license aggrement and then proceed. The source code for each Api level will be downloaded

Source code for the sdks will be available in the  eclipse plugins folder  given below

Location : E:\Android\tools\adt bundle\adt-bundle-windows-x86_6420130219 \eclipse \plugins\

 Select the external location option.

Then give the corresponding location  and there you are, enjoy development in Android.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Android versions

Hey guys lets see what are all the different Versions of Android and why they were named so.

The earlier 1.0 and 1.1 versions does not carry any special names, they started the naming fashion from 1.5 version. All their version code names were named after desserts, in an alphabetical fashion. The reason for Choosing dessert names for their versions is to avoid trademark or copyright problems. All their names of their versions were made as a big plastic models and placed in a decorative form for their gardens in the Google's headquarters located at California.

1.0 : 

    This is the first commercial release for android, released in HTC dream device in September 2008.

1.1 :

     This version is a kind of update to the HTC dream device, which carried the first release of Android. It covered major bugs and provided many new added features.

Cup cake:


                 Is a small cake baked in a cup-shaped paper case, usually served with cream on top.


                Technically it should be named with the version 1.2, but google made a major update based on the Linux version 2.6.27 and released as version 1.5. With new major updates it became the starting Android dessert named cupcake. Internally the previous version were named as Astro and Bender since they were already trademarked they have no official names for the versions 1.0 & 1.1. For those numbered versions, we can keep some name starting with the letters A and B may be Apple pie and Black forest cake (HOW IS IT).



               Is a small, usually ring-shaped cake of sweetened dough fried in deep fat.


                It was released with the reboot error fix and with new features which were listed below, Search box, which searches at system level to get the result from various sources. Easy switch between camera and the still images. Multi delete option for images in gallery. New feature to find the battery usage of each app running in the device. Developer can add unique gestures for their apps. Os kernel version was updated from 2.6.27 to 2.6.29.



                Oblong (Having an elongated shape, as a rectangle or an oval) cream puff.


              Email can have multiple accounts, and contact synchronization was made easy from those mail accounts. Search and auto delete of messages were one among the various improvements made for this version.



                Frozen yogurt (A semisolid sourish food prepared from milk fermented by added bacteria, often sweetened and flavored).


            It consists of a Portable hotspot. Performance of the browser has been enhanced using the V8 engine, which enables faster loading of JavaScript-heavy pages.



               Cake made with molasses or honey and flavored with ginger, which often comes in the shape of a man.


             This version contains several new features for the users and developers.
A new enhanced UI features make it simple for the users to learn and to control the phone quickly. The inbuilt software keyboard was redefined to meet users faster input, provides suggestion for their input and corrects it, if the input text was wrong even at a considerable speed. Copy paste was made so easy just one touch & hold, and there you go, the contents were copied, easy right. Not only it has the power efficient UI features it also has a power management system. The system lists the active apps, and also it manages the apps which keeps on running for a long time. Battery draining apps can be controlled. New SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) technology was introduced, this was used to control the communication session over internet. NFC, what is that I just know KFC!!!. NFC (Near field communication) is a technology which provides a communication between devices without any contact in faster and efficient manner. It was made simple just by waving a device you can initiate this NFC. It also reads NFC tags from any posters, train tickets, etc.,



                 It is a honey flavoured breakfast cereal, which was in the shape of small pieces of beehive, this cereal was manufactured by a company named POST HOLDINGS company.


               This version mainly concentrated mainly for the tablets, with new enriched UI features. It has a System bar, which is present at the bottom of the screen just like a task bar in windows desktop OS. It is available for all the screens and it can be made as hidden for full screen applications like videos, etc., Also it has an action bar which present on top of every application. It contains all menu options and a title for the current screen. From this version the era of menu button came to an end due to the action bar. We were able to see the recently viewed apps by clicking the rectangle shaped button, which is near the home button in the system bar. It lists the apps which were viewed recently and also allows the user to switch between the apps from the recent list. Big soft keyboard for the big screen. Enhanced Browser which allows user to easily navigate between the tabs. This Browser has a menu button the top right hand corner which allows user to configure the browser settings, and allows to browse in private mode (Technically Incognito mode). New master detail view, master is the panel containing list and the detail is the explanation about the particular item from the list. This was accomplished by the new feature called Fragments. The split up of the activity is called as fragments. A single screen can contain multiple fragments it also helps an app to support smaller and wider screen devices. Copy paste is made universal and it allows multi text copy and paste among the applications.

 Ice Cream Sandwich:


               A frozen sandwich, which composed of creamed ice-cream sandwiched between cookie or cake slices.


              The previous version (Honey comb) is for the wider devices, i.e., tablets, this version of android is for both phones and Tablets. This also carries many new features for users and also for the developers with a more enriched UI and Functionality. New voice input engine offers no time limit for the users in the language they want, in case if you want to take a break, in the middle you can pause it at any point. It also supports spell check, and correction of the mistakes. User has an option to control the data usage according to their plan. They can configure settings to alert a warning, if the usage is about to reach the maximum usage level. In that case their network data usage will be automatically disconnected if the usage is completed. They also can monitor the data usage by every app, and their current total usage statistics in an enriched UI graph. New unlock feature in ICS can be accomplished using face recognition. In live video chat we are able to change the background, and also add a funny image for their video calls. For developers using Bluetooth it was made possible to communicate any near by Health device profile (HDP), which was designed to transmit and receive medical data. The navigation of the screens was designed in such a way even a visually challenged person can use it with much greater comfort. Using audio feedback for every first touch, which says about the underlying screen and the next consecutive touch does the action.

Jelly bean:


             Bean shaped candy with jelly in the center and hard sugarcoating.


              Android releases jellybean with new UI feature and its improved performance for the user. Just like a desktop in which it is possible to add many users for a single device. Each and every user's activities were isolated from each other. If they need to install any new software a new fresh apk (Android Application package, which is an installable package in android device) will be downloaded and it will be available only for that particular user. If another user tries to install the same software, a new apk will not be downloaded just a copy of the same apk which was previously installed will be used, only another instance will be created for the particular user. It has a lot more exiting developer options with enhanced hardware.

The name Andriod means a robot, which acts like a Human. The development team, who I consider to be the parent for their Android child. They might have felt the hungry of their Android and hence they were feeding him with these desserts.
As the Apple is after the cats, our Andriod man is after the Desserts.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

What Is Android?

Android is a linux based operating system for mobile devices. It was originally begin with the startup name android inc,in 2005 Google purchased android and its development work. Google wanted android to be open and free so, they distributed source code, under the open source apache license agreement. Whoever wants to develop for android can download the source code, and they can add their own extensions to the android. Many hardware manufactures those had their own operating system faced the downfall due to the recent rise of  Apple's Iphone market. In this situation they adopted Android and developed new hardware platform to make it as a uniqe product.

The main advantage of using android is, it offers a unified approach for the application development. Developers need to develop only for the android and their application will run on many different devices.

Welcome to learn the basics for android.

If you are new to android get the latest version of the ADT bundle to start developing apps for Android
use the below link

download the latest zip file specific to your operating system(windows, linux, mac). Un zip the file and launch the eclipse and your IDE for android development is ready.

If you already have an IDE check out the below link for the development setup

watch my tutorial to setup the IDE for windows